The Enchanted Path

A Travel Podcast

Welcome to the Enchanted Path, where the road ends and the trail begins. Where light passes into shadow, and memory transforms to myth. Where whispers turn to music, and magic blooms to life. I’m your host, Jessie—here to guide you on a journey where Story colors the essence of a place. From the crossroads of lore and history I explore art, folk legends, enigmatic characters, and the supernatural: all inspired by wondrous destinations that captivate the imagination.

It is my hope that these tales ignite the spirit of adventure in each curious wanderer who listens, and dreams of travel.

Podcast Theme Music Lyrics

Have you ever encountered something you couldn’t explain?

Maybe, felt the presence of something beyond yourself?

Or, seen something so extraordinary that it defied description?

These moments, where we are struck with wonder and awe, elevated from the mundane by the realm of our senses—they stay with us. Like whimsical bookmarks in the chapters of our lives. The curiosity of such moments beckons to our imagination, challenging our sense of what is. Of what could be. These moments enchant us, and unlock the magic of the everyday.

I’m Jessie, your host—and I’m here to guide you on a journey through Story. As an artist, storyteller, and travel enthusiast, I am always seeking inspiration through adventure. The open road holds a memory, and a promise—it calls to each one of us to see beyond the surface and awaken to all possibilities. There is always magic to be found, if you seek it. If you believe it.

This is where ideas take form; where Lore and History converge, whispers turn to music, memory becomes myth, and the Earth speaks. Where the road narrows to a trail, and color ignites the sky. Where the infinite becomes immediate.

This…is The Enchanted Path.

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SEASON ONE has begun!

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The Enchanted Path is a travel podcast, created and written by Jessie Howe. You can find this show streaming on Spotify, Anchor, and Apple Podcast. Full Episodes, resources, original music, and artwork can be found here at The Adventures of Jessie and The Grumpy Gnome. Check out our Patreon for additional content and membership benefits!

Copyright 2020 - 2024 © The Adventures of Jessie & The Grumpy Gnome, LLC. USA. All Rights Reserved.