The Travel Grimoire.


a book of learning, knowledge, and instruction;

a key to unlock finding the magic in the every day.

Welcome to The Travel Grimoire of Jessie & The Grumpy Gnome!

This is an ever-evolving instruction manual of sorts—a growing compilation of all the practical information we have acquired through our many travel experiences, from every discovery and mishap. Here, I will share what we have learned to help inform and inspire your own adventure. The BEST trips are created by building upon genuine, unique passions and interests. Shaping an itinerary to what truly lights you up is the best way to navigate the planning of your most valuable resource—time!

Our Travel Grimoire is intended to serve as a colorful reference to help you do just that—to craft a full journey from a clear vision of what you’d like to experience.

Follow the link to our resource page— a living list of recommended books and helpful references for travel inspiration.

Dream Journal for Travel
Jessica Howe Jessica Howe

Dream Journal for Travel

Dream journaling can be a very revealing process, especially while traveling. Our journals help us stay grounded, connected, and centered in the midst of rapid, accelerated living while on the road. Especially on long journeys, the constant motion can be disorienting. As exhilarating as adventure is, it can leave us feeling ungrounded and longing for home. Those feelings become embedded within our subconscious and surface in our dreams. And wow, can they be interesting!

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Engage The Imagination
Jessica Howe Jessica Howe

Engage The Imagination

Every great journey begins with inspiration! Before all the details of planning a trip are set in motion, it’s essential to explore your “why.” What is it about this destination that’s calling you? How do you personally connect to the places you want to see? What are you interested in learning more about before you plot out an itinerary and commit to a schedule? What about this trip feels light, as opposed to heavy? Which aspects of this destination make you feel the most excited about going?

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Embrace the Day
Jessica Howe Jessica Howe

Embrace the Day

Mornings are not for everyone. But, they can be magical—especially when travelling. There is a quiet power to the early time of day, as the sun rises to warm the sky and everything alive is drifting through the veil of rest and awakening. Starting the day early can offer a glimpse into aspects of a place that many travelers miss.

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