Make Art Everyday.

Find magic in the every day and create.

As an artist, I am continually inspired by travel and the act of discovery. In my work as a scenic artist and designer, illustrator, painter, songwriter, storyteller—travel empowers and informs, bringing an experiential quality to everything I love creating. Below are highlights that reflect how the act of embracing the journey has shaped my artistic expression and spirit.

Luna Moth Sketch.png


That is what art empowers me to do. To run with my imagination and be limitless. Take a moment each day to do what makes you feel like you can fly.

Express yourself freely.

Sketch of the Day:

A compilation of Jessie’s daily sketches. Sourced from life, photography, literature, and imagination.



Our shop is a compilation of fun, unique items that tell a story, inspired by travel. We have original artwork, vintage collectibles, handmade gifts, digital and antique prints, and selections from The Crystal Library.

We are thrilled to share our creative process with you through this collection!


Have an idea?

Let’s Work Together!

Do you have an idea for a painting? A drawing, portrait, or hand made gift? Is there a project you’d like to start, and are interested in collaborating?

I am always open to new commissions and LOVE to collaborate on projects! Anything from scenic design and painting to fine art, music, illustration, and writing.

Please contact me by email with any inquiries for commissions—I would love to hear from you!

Photo by Lisa Zandy: Artist Jessie Howe in her home studio.