Open Journal.

Write everyday.

Sketching with words, from home and on the road:

A living compilation of thoughts, ideas, stories, and impressions.

Open Journal, Expression, Art Jessica Howe Open Journal, Expression, Art Jessica Howe

Be True to You

In this week’s Open Journal, I took some time to reflect on experiences throughout my creative career that have taught me the importance of actively using my voice and trusting inner guidance. I dive into discussion around topics involving professional relationships, communication, and personal empowerment. My hope is to speak to those who are aspiring to create a living through their art, and to encourage them to confidently honor the value of their time and energy.

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Jessica Howe Jessica Howe

The Year 2020: Awaken the Phoenix

I am writing this at dawn, on Christmas Eve, in the epic year that has been 2020. The sky beyond my window is a deep blue, the tree branches bare and scraping the lightening sky. The world outside is shifting in a dance with the winter wind. I am wearing my favorite shawl, wrapped in the warmth of it, listening to a candle flicker in the background of my thoughts. The mug of tea I am holding always cools before I drink it when I find myself in this state of reflection. It goes without saying that this has been a year like no other—for the vast collective of the world and the deepest, imperceptible shifts within. I am holding on to this moment of peace, honoring the enveloping quiet of home. I feel the precipice, and the cliff is coming.

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Help us keep adding to the pages of our Adventure Book!

The Adventures of Jessie and The Grumpy Gnome is an independent publication, created and managed by artist, musician, & travel writer Jessie Howe. All of the content on this site is our own—photography, art, music, stories, and experiences. We would love to keep bringing you the best of what we learn on our journeys, in the hope of inspiring you to create your own!

If you would like to support this beloved endeavor, you can purchase items from our Shop, Commission an original art piece, join our Patreon, and follow us on social media. All proceeds go toward the continuation of this work, and your generosity makes it possible for us to grow.

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