Embrace the Day

Sunlight dances across the water in Vernazza, Cinque Terra, Italy

Sunlight dances across the water in Vernazza, Cinque Terra, Italy

Mornings are not for everyone. But, they can be magical—especially when travelling. There is a quiet power to the early time of day, as the sun rises to warm the sky and everything alive is drifting through the veil of rest and awakening. Starting the day early can offer a glimpse into aspects of a place that many travelers miss. Some of my favorite memories have happened during early morning hikes, where the only people I’d see were locals out jogging or walking their dogs. I enjoy fully experiencing a new place when it’s quiet enough to listen to what it has to tell you, before all of the noise erupts with the day beginning. The Grumpy Gnome does not agree, however—he firmly believes vacation is for sleeping in and the night is just as beautiful.

Whether you are a natural morning person or not, I strongly recommend making a warm cup of coffee or tea and trying an early walk at least once on your travels. Embrace the adventure of it, and see how it goes. Feel the day begin around you as you wake, and stretch into all possibilities. Listen with all of your senses. Breathe.

I’ve designed worksheets that feature daily prompts to help you engage your mind and spirit, and set your energy for all the possibilities of the day ahead. Even for the Morgenmuffels out there!

Follow the gallery below for worksheets designed to help you embrace the day:


Engage The Imagination