Engage The Imagination

Early morning walk in Matera, Italy (Basilicata)

Early morning walk in Matera, Italy (Basilicata)

Every great journey begins with inspiration!

Before all the details of planning a trip are set in motion, it’s essential to explore your “why.” What is it about this destination that’s calling you? How do you personally connect to the places you want to see? What are you interested in learning more about before you plot out an itinerary and commit to a schedule? What about this trip feels light, as opposed to heavy? Which aspects of this destination make you feel the most excited about going?

I’m designing a series of worksheets and writing prompts to help spark your imagination and make the planning process more personalized to the unique interests of every traveler. Exploring these questions and diving into the fun of research will help you open the door to more clearly envision the trip of your dreams! And, it engages your curiosity. The best tools you can have to direct your course on any level of adventure are good information and a clear sense of what your intention is as a traveler.

Follow the gallery below for worksheets designed to engage your imagination:


Dream Journal for Travel


Embrace the Day