Books and Coffee.

A space for new literary discoveries, that inspire us to explore the wondrous world.

A good book has the power to free imagination—to unlock the limitless potential of our dreams with reckless abandon. When we open a book, we open ourselves to a new experience, as the very act of reading is an invitation to be transformed and transported by the story before us. I like to approach travel in the way I approach a book. I try to not be persuaded by the cover or preceding reputation, but rather, keep an open mind and dive in. With this approach, I allow the journey to evolve me, and am empowered to create my own story through the act of experiencing one.

As a traveler, books shape the onset of every trip I plan. Research is instrumental in gathering solid practical information, as well as gaining a deeper understanding of the soul of a place. I personally feel that books are best enjoyed when accompanied by a warm cup of coffee and the dance of raindrops outside. In these quiet moments, we can best access the calm, reflective, internal space where our deepest thoughts can stretch and breathe.

With coffee in hand, I am beyond enthused to share inspiring, fascinating books and resources that have encouraged me to learn more about our incredible world.

“A Call of the Sidhe”
Poetry, Irish Culture, Mysticism Jessica Howe Poetry, Irish Culture, Mysticism Jessica Howe

“A Call of the Sidhe”

It seems perfectly befitting that such a person would conjure the words of the poem above. A poet who sought to draw the unseen into visibility, beckoning others to listen to the old traces of Ireland’s enchanting roots through new songs. As A.E. applied human sensation to an omnipotent force, he chose the Sidhe as his subject, who were very much alive in the peripheral of the Irish imagination.

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